Incom ist die Kommunikations-Plattform des Masterstudiengangs Architektur (DIA)

In seiner Funktionalität auf die Lehre in gestalterischen Studiengängen zugeschnitten... Schnittstelle für die moderne Lehre

Incom ist die Kommunikations-Plattform des Masterstudiengangs Architektur (DIA) mehr erfahren



Schwarzes Brett

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S+ Studio is looking for more people interested in joining a guided tour of the Funkhaus Berlin in English.

It is a rare chance to visit this timeless architecture of Funkhaus Berlin-The Break from Socialist Realism. Funkhaus Nalepastrasse is a partially listed building complex located in the Berlin …



In the context of my elective „Necessity!“ I will be giving a little talk about various ideas connected with the concept of essentiality across a range of disciplines. …


draw love build / tracing modernities

This twin exhibition presents around 60 projects by the Berlin-based architectural team sauerbruch hutton and allows them to enter into conversation with selected documents of architectural history.

25 Oct …

Bildschirmfoto 2024-08-06 um 08.11.01.png


dear students,

we are looking for committed students who would like to take part in this year's bauhaus-fest.

the triadic dance club will take place as part of the bauhaus …

2024 master thesis studio Skåtar cultural sustainability.png

Online exhibition / master's theses / Studio Skåtar: cultural sustainability

Our online exhibition can be viewed at:

Tomorrow, Friday July 12th, we'll also show the projects in room 03/106

Aktuelles aus den Workspaces

Critical Sustainability Course at TU Berlin

The highly interactive course Critical Sustainability is the compulsory module of the TU Berlin's Sustainability Certificate and is being offered as a block week for the first time …

Exhibition: „The Demolition Question & Power to Renovation“ // 14 March - 18 May 2025

Motif: Neustadt (2021) by Julius von Bismarck and Marta Dyachenko
Photography: Henning Rogge / Emscherkunstweg

The exhibition ‘’The Demolition Question & Power to Renovation‘’

Reduced DIA office hours this week

Dear All,

Due to various circumstances (illness, vacation) we regret to inform you that the DIA office will only be open on Thursday with Heike this week during the …

SAVE THE DATE: Summer Semester Kick-Off

Enjoy your semester break, rest and recharge your batteries for an exciting Summer Semester 2025.

We're looking forward to seeing you again in April!

_**Further details about the semester kick-off …

OPEN CALL - IMAGINE THE FUTURE New ideas for Wittenberg's old town center

Do you have an idea for Wittenberg's city center?
Do you want to try out which visions for city centers are fit for the future? 

Our city centres …