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Evergreen Courtyard: A Place for All Generations in Kleinpaschleben | Nominated - Lars-Lerup Award 2024

Evergreen Courtyard: A Place for All Generations in Kleinpaschleben | Nominated - Lars-Lerup Award 2024

In the heart of this picturesque village, Kleinpaschleben, nestled among lush landscapes, there is an abandoned elementary school that once echoed with the laughter of children. This village, with its charming cottage-like neighbourhood and vibrant traditions, is now encountering with the challenge of a shrinking population. As younger generations migrate to urban centers in search of opportunities, the village faces the risk of losing its social and cultural vibrancy. To counter this trend and breathe new life into the community, the concept of Re-Generation is introduced to transform the school into a dynamic multigenerational meeting place that serves as a catalyst for social regeneration.

“Re-Generation” serves as a dual-purpose theme emphasizing both the physical regeneration of the school and the social regeneration of the village. This transformation not only regenerates a physical structure but also rethinks and relinks generations, nurturing a strong, interconnected community.

Inspired by the existing school courtyard, which was once served as a natural gathering place for students, various courtyard typologies are proposed throughout the design. These courtyards will create interconnected spaces that cater to different generations and activities, serving as focal points for interaction, relaxation, and communal gatherings. The existing courtyard will be revitalized, preserving its central role in the community while introducing new courtyard spaces tailored to specific uses.

The creation of an entrance welcoming façade, which faces the primary road, Bernburger Str., will lead the community and public into a vibrant Plaza Courtyard. This new node will be ideal for events, markets, and social gatherings. The existing school courtyard, will be designated as a semi-private Multigenerational Courtyard. This space will provide a tranquil environment for daycare children, elderly residents, and community center users to interact safely. By removing the upper floor of connecting block, an Elevated Courtyard will be integrated into the design, offering unique outdoor spaces connected to the daycare, elderly residential area, and local association. This terrace will act as an extension of classroom for children, serene farming gardens for the elderly, and community meetings.

The super big schoolyard adjacent to the compound (current family center park) will be reserved for future development, with potential uses including productive landscape (tree nursery, orchards, greenhouse, etc.) or additional residential units. With the village center as the main starting point, a new proposed green path will weave throughout the entire village, connecting existing and potential nodes, threading the regeneration project together into a cohesive development. This forward-thinking approach ensures the project can grow and adapt to the community’s needs over time.

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Ein Projekt von


compulsory module

Art des Projekts

Studienarbeit im Masterstudium


foto: Prof. Nadja Häupl

Zugehöriger Workspace

Studio Kleinpaschleben - House of all generations


Sommersemester 2024