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In seiner Funktionalität auf die Lehre in gestalterischen Studiengängen zugeschnitten... Schnittstelle für die moderne Lehre

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Computational Bahuhaus Pavilion - Lightwoven

Computational Bahuhaus Pavilion - Lightwoven

The pavilion is designed to be placed in the garden of the Bauhaus building, enhancing its connection with the iconic structure. It draws inspiration from the Bauhaus philosophy, minimizing the impact of the summer sun while allowing cool breezes to flow through. The pavilion maintains a visual connection with the Bauhaus building and draws inspiration from Bauhaus materials.

The stage area is optimized for good natural lighting, creating a contemporary and functional space. The design follows a parametric approach, utilizing advanced computational techniques. Specifically, Grasshopper, a sophisticated algorithmic design software, was employed to develop and refine the pavilion's design, ensuring precision and adaptability in its architectural form.

Using Mero’s space frame system, an inviting and curved form is created. Membranes placed at specific angles between the metal node bars allow light to pass through gently while preventing excessive heat during the summer months.


Axonometric View


Nod- Bar System

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The Berlin type space frame grid of the Mero company consists of semi-octahedron and tetrahedron elements arranged in a parallel edge configuration.

Nods and Bars

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The space frame system utilizes M12 tubes with a 22 mm diameter and nodes positioned at a 45-degree angle.

Environmental Analysis


The pavilion positioned and the angle of the sun breakers determined according to the climate analysis. They have the optimal placement for summers


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Ein Projekt von


compulsory module

Art des Projekts

Studienarbeit im Masterstudium


foto: Juanfra Garcia Guillen

Zugehöriger Workspace

Computational Bauhaus Pavilion


Wintersemester 2024 / 2025
