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A House For Democracy, A Place In Between

A House For Democracy, A Place In Between

This thesis explores the concept of a „House for Democracy“ as a space that bridges social, political, and cultural spheres, promoting inclusivity and democratic values. It focuses on designing an indeterminate form that allows for diverse appropriations and unexpected events, reflecting the dynamic nature of democracy.

This research highlights the significance of in-between places and their role in cultivating a collective sense of belonging and active participation. A House for Democracy is a place that invites people to action and becomes a space where people feel included, valued, and empowered.

Frankfurt, with its historical significance and the iconic Paulskirche, serves as a compelling case study. The Paulskirche symbolizes German democracy and unity, making it an ideal location for a House of Democracy. The house embraces its historical roots while remaining adaptable to address current political issues and facilitate democratic practice.

The proposal for the house for democracy in Frankfurt consists two parts:

1-The initial step would be making the Paulskirche and surrounding urban context alive again, with minimal intervention. (which is the focus of my design proposal for thesis)

2-In addition, the house for democracy can be distributed and decentralized throughout the city in the shape of pavilions. In this way, maximum accessibility and participation can be more effectively realized. Pavilions are flexible and portable structures that provide empty spaces to be used as desired by the target community in the vicinity.

0-Decentralized house for democracy in Frankfurt in the shape of pavilions.jpg0-Decentralized house for democracy in Frankfurt in the shape of pavilions.jpg
1-Decentralized house for democracy in Frankfurt in the shape of pavilions.png1-Decentralized house for democracy in Frankfurt in the shape of pavilions.png
2-Diagram-pavilions in a garden.jpg2-Diagram-pavilions in a garden.jpg
3-Site plan.jpg3-Site plan.jpg
4-Overall view.jpg4-Overall view.jpg
5-Ground floor.png5-Ground floor.png
6-First floor.png6-First floor.png
7-View from Römerberg.jpg7-View from Römerberg.jpg
8-Forum Pavilion section perspective.jpg8-Forum Pavilion section perspective.jpg
9-North-West on Berliner Str..png9-North-West on Berliner Str..png

Ein Projekt von


compulsory module

Art des Projekts



foto: Prof. Alfred Jacoby foto: Prof. Ralf Niebergall


WiSe 22 / 23 – SoSe 23
