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In seiner Funktionalität auf die Lehre in gestalterischen Studiengängen zugeschnitten... Schnittstelle für die moderne Lehre

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Wood and Earth as Building Materials for the Redevelopment of Zeitz - Nominated to the Robert Oxman Award 2023

Wood and Earth as Building Materials for the Redevelopment of Zeitz - Nominated to the Robert Oxman Award 2023

The project is located in the town of Zeitz, in Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany. The town is mainly built in the typical German construction of half-timbered houses, combined with more modern buildings due to the historic development during the decades. This town, rich in history and architectural heritage, has encountered the challenges of a declining population and migration to larger cities. To respond to these circumstances, a holistic urban renewal project is proposed to revitalize the town center and create a vibrant community hub. The project is located in the city center, in a street known as Der Brühl, which combines traditional and contemporary buildings. There is a first intervention planned for the East of the street and this project aims to develop the Western side. The spatial context demands thoughtful design solutions that activate the street and ensure its functionality and integration with the existing urban fabric. With a focus on sustainability, the investigation aims to source materials from the local area. To conclude, the aim of this master’s thesis is to explore the potential of using nearby materials to design an urban regeneration of the town.

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Art des Projekts



foto: Johannes Kister foto: Peter Ruge

Zugehöriger Workspace

DIA - Student Project Archive


WiSe 22 / 23 – SoSe 23
