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Human-Non Human: Reimagine Zoo as a Pedagogy Camp

Human-Non Human: Reimagine Zoo as a Pedagogy Camp

The zoo has evolved from a fascinating private collection to an informal educative facility. However, due to animals always being viewed as exhibition objects, human-animal interaction has grown estranged. As a result, zoos as the exclusive animal habitat in the city have become more detached from the perceptions of city dwellers.

Rather than fencing off a new place for animals like a standard zoological park, I believe zoos should be integrated into the urban organ rather than being detached. I propose a new frontier between humans and animals by examining the present context and considering animals into account, allowing individuals to transparently experience where they can legitimately appreciate and observe the nonhuman companions in their natural surroundings. The removal of urban cages between Human and Animal citizens will contribute to improving animal welfare and ramp up animal preservation knowledge, which will ultimately assist with the climate change crisis.

The extent of urbanization has compelled a discussion of the rights and obligations of urban animals. This proposal earnestly implores the public to proclaim animals to be citizens of cities and levy a zoological tax. By all means, as urban dwellers, we should consider the welfare of animals and guarantee that our future generation will be able to live in a city that evolved to represent more than just a human home, a cohabitant for all species.


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foto: Peter Ruge foto: Bilyana Asenova


WiSe 22 / 23 – SoSe 23