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Infrastructure for Cooperation and Balance

Infrastructure for Cooperation and Balance

Venezuela is a Country that in the last 20 years has experienced political, social, and economic problems, causing one of the largest exodus of people. This crisis intensifies at the borders. the way a border is defined influences the degree of conflict on it. and this is the case of my project, especially because the political border is defined through a river. Having a river as a border means that the separation between the two countries, is an intermediate space created on both sides of the river, which changes every single time the river flows change, creating a lack of definition at the border which face two different realities. This difference between the two countries creates an imbalance, where one country takes advantage of the problems of other. Considering the current Imbalance Situation the purpose of the project is to bring back the balance in the area and return the cooperation that used to exist between this two countries. to achieve this, the idea is to be able to transform the existing intermediate space into a platform that allow economic, social and cultural exchange on a local scale and redefine the river as an element that unify instead of separate.

Infrastructure and the River.jpgInfrastructure and the River.jpg

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Ein Projekt von


compulsory module

Art des Projekts



foto: Bilyana Asenova foto: Roger Bundschuh


Sommersemester 2023