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„A Productive Neighbourhood“ - Revitalisation of the Slaughterhouse Area in Halle/Saale

1st prize - STUDENTS | SHAPING | FUTURE @ BAU 2023

Supervisor - Prof. Ralf Niebergall & Prof. Nadja Häupl

The Halle Saale historical slaughterhouse site, situated near a major marshaling yard and considered the most advanced hub for rail freight transport in Europe, Once a thriving local meat industry, the site has fallen into disuse, and the dilapidated conditions have led to incidents of vandalism and illegal burning.


Our team's approach to the masterplan was taking reference from the old 1906 Halle city map which revealed a strong diagonal axis that connects various strategic points within the proposed boundary. Although not fully realized, remnants of the proposal are still evident at the site today.


Our proposal aims to establish a productive neighborhood within the slaughterhouse site, beginning with the identification of significant nodes in the surrounding area.

From these nodes, primary diagonal axes are created and continued from the node itself which form an entry into the site, bringing accessibility from the edges into the centre of the slaughterhouse area.

This axis ultimately forms a center strip and vertical access which is opened from the South residential and commercial end all the way through to the North end while creating an emphasis on the center heart of the site, forming a plaza.

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Our major interest was dealing with the existing structures, where we were convinced that it could be implemented with many new possibilities. So within the existing buildings, new interventions are introduced on existing plots to pay homage as well as maintaining the existing energy and efficiency.

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With regard to the masterplan programs, our team have implemented productive circular economies focused on food and beverage, upcycling and research, and leisure and communication. These programs are interconnected to establish a productive neighborhood.


Preservation of the existing structures is one of the main aims of the intervention. With light structures and elevated walkways, the historical structure remains the focus of the space, while increasing its efficiency, usability and resilience of space.

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Located all in close proximity, the main programmes such as the gastronomy hub, urban farm, upcycling hub, event and makerspace, research center and brewhouse all interlink together to form a productive circular neighbourhood. Within this closed loop, wastes generated can be recycled, reused and composted as well as be turned into new and innovative end products; not only encouraging start-ups and young entreprenuers in their businesses and experimentation but also educating the community on the importance as well as the potentials of incorporating a circular economy within the neighbourhood and their daily routines.

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Our proposal also includes an elevated park that serves as a green buffer for the shunting rail yard and a biotope to promote plant biodiversity. Additionally, the park provides a scenic view of the freight line and other parts of the city.


In its entirety, this all-encompassing approach to the site's redevelopment strives to amalgamate the past, present, and future, by establishing a historical timeline of productive sustainable development, while also paying homage to the historical significance of the slaughterhouse area in Halle Saale.


compulsory module

Art des Projekts

Studienarbeit im Masterstudium


foto: Prof. Ralf Niebergall foto: Prof. Nadja Häupl


Wintersemester 2022 / 2023