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In seiner Funktionalität auf die Lehre in gestalterischen Studiengängen zugeschnitten... Schnittstelle für die moderne Lehre

Incom ist die Kommunikations-Plattform des Masterstudiengangs Architektur (DIA) mehr erfahren

51.470984 11.997875 ,  Second Place – Lars-Lerup Award 2024

51.470984 11.997875 , Second Place – Lars-Lerup Award 2024

51.470984 11.997875

Existing structure was an abandoned coal-generated heating plant. The project is to repurpose it as a campus-central, serving as an innovative space for encounters and dialogue. Minimal use of construction materials is considered to ensure sustainability and adaptability.

Artboard 4 copy 7.pngArtboard 4 copy 7.png
Artboard 4 copy 6.pngArtboard 4 copy 6.png

To transform this idea into a literal public area, a large platform is envisioned as the main space, emphasizing transparency and openness to host various activities.

An abstract shape outlines the platform as a holder for the curtain cover. The design is inspired from the movement of people at a meeting point. With “fluidity” as the keyword, the form-finding process involved experimental techniques using bubbles, salt, and watercolor, resulting in a series of abstract graphics. Final form was chosen for its compatibility with the existing structure and its potential to accommodate functional spaces.

form finding 3.pngform finding 3.png
form finding 1.pngform finding 1.png
form finding 4.pngform finding 4.png
Artboard 4 copy 5.pngArtboard 4 copy 5.png
Artboard 4 copy 4.pngArtboard 4 copy 4.png
Artboard 4 copy 3.pngArtboard 4 copy 3.png

1 by Ryan Sak.png1 by Ryan Sak.png
2 by Ryan Sak.png2 by Ryan Sak.png

Photography of Physical Model.

model making assisted by Fabian Yee.

Ein Projekt von


compulsory module

Art des Projekts

Studienarbeit im Masterstudium


foto: Jonas Tratz


Sommersemester 2024