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''POROUS BORDER'' - An In-between Space Between Syria and Turkey

''POROUS BORDER'' - An In-between Space Between Syria and Turkey

1st Prize - CAAJ Competition 2023 / A New Frontier: The Contemporary Border Crossing

Supervisor: Florentine Amelie Rost /

Studio: The Border Crossing as a Space Between

The Nusaybin - Qamishli border, located between Turkey and Syria, has been used very often over the years between both cities. Until 1953, there was no border crossing between the two countries. Therefore, the people embraced the two cities as a whole, and crossing the border was part of their daily life. Those living in Turkey were farming on Syrian territory, those living in Syria were working in Turkey. Therefore, a common way of life emerged from the two cultures.

Between 1928 and 1954, trade spread across these porous borders and was the main source of income for both cities. In both countries, the market area is located very close to the border. For this reason, the spatial texture and the use of urban land are a reflection of the cities' relationship with border. In 1954, with the mines of the borders and barbed wire, trade gave way to smuggling. Border crossing is allowed on special days instead of daily use of the border.


Due to the civil war that broke out in Syria in 2011, the old border gate was closed shortly after. Despite the construction of a new border gate, trade between the two countries stopped for a while. After the Nusaybin custom gate, which fed city economically, was closed, the both cities negatively affected economically. People have been worried about their relatives living in Syria. With the increase of illegal immigration by Syria in 2016, the concrete wall built on the Turkish side was completed in 2021. The two cities, which used to be a whole together, lost their visual relationship with each other with this impermeable wall.Therefore, people started to need a common place where they could come together and trade.The old border crossing, which is not actively used as the project area, was chosen.

Compared to the new border gate, this crossing is closer to both city centers and is located at the junction of the market axes. This makes the old border crossing a more convenient option for pedestrians. In this context, the project area has been designed only for pedestrians and it has been proposed that vehicle crossings be made through the new border gate.


The wall, which is the strongest element in the context, separates the two countries with sharp borders. In this case, the wall is made porous in two perspectives. First of all, the wall was dissolved as pores in order to maintain the visual relationship but also to maintain the concept of boundary. Then, the rigid wall, which is the separating element, transforms within itself and becomes the shell roof that gathers people together. In this in-between space, the market area, activity areas, restaurant and children's activity areas, which bring families together, are built under the ground with trench. Thus, the boundary on the ground floor remained porous and the visual relationship between the two cities was preserved.



Nusaybin and Qamishli are in an area where adobe houses are widely built. The texture of traditional adobe houses was continued in the design with rammed earth material, ensuring harmony with the context.

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compulsory module

Art des Projekts

Studienarbeit im Masterstudium


foto: Florentine-Amelie Rost


SoSe 23 – WiSe 23 / 24
