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2nd Place | 2023 Robert Oxman Award | Zeitz as a carbon sink

2nd Place | 2023 Robert Oxman Award | Zeitz as a carbon sink

The city of Zeitz in Saxony Anhalt, Germany, has experienced a decline in its building infrastructure over the years. The notion of utilizing nearby sustainable materials for building rehabilitation and conversion into carbon sinks has gained traction as a mean of combating this problem and promoting sustainability. By using locally sourced materials such as timber, straw, and clay, the city can reduce its carbon footprint by decreasing transportation emissions and promoting the use of renewable resources. This approach not only encourages sustainability but also has the potential to create new work opportunities in the building renovation and sustainable materials sectors. The implementation of these initiatives could serve as a model for other cities to follow in their efforts to combat climate change and promote sustainable development.

This thesis aims to investigate the feasibility and effectiveness of using sustainable materials and building conversion techniques to turn Zeitz’s infrastructure into carbon sinks. The initiative’s potential economic advantages, implications for community development, and associated expenses will all be examined in the study along with its environmental and social effects. How might Zeitz be revived after years of decline, while also advancing environmental sustainability, bolstering the local economy, and enhancing social value through converting Zeitz into a carbon sink and using nearby local sustainable materials in construction and infrastructure projects? What possible future scenarios could result from different levels of implementation of such measures? This initiative seeks to transform Zeitz into a model for sustainable urban development, and its success could have far-reaching implications for other cities in Germany and beyond.

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foto: Prof. Johannes Kister foto: Bilyana Asenova


WiSe 22 / 23 – SoSe 23